a sure sign you're in iowa
hi. so i decided about a month ago that i wanted a blog for two reasons: 1) so the people i should keep in better contact with, but don't, can check up on me, and 2) because i saw a mouse.
let me tell you about the mouse. i was sitting at a red light, by the mall and this mouse runs across the road with its tail sticking straight up like that was enough for someone to see it and not hit it. so as i'm watching this mouse run, i'm asking myself "who do i tell? what outlet do i have for this story?" when i realized i had no true outlet, i decided to create one, and here i am! gn.
Welcome, I can see with your rodentia story that you were not born in the year of the Bore. Good to hear you are blogging
Boy Ambre, You sure are strange sometimes.
Tom B.
i saw a squirrel once.
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