Ambre's Pontifications
a place to share, encourage, and just write what comes to mind... with an occasional rant thrown in for good measure!
a place to share, encourage, and just write what comes to mind... with an occasional rant thrown in for good measure!
i freaked when saw the pics cause there were two and i remember the talk a while back about having twins.
Ambre, I freaked b/c I thought you had Inara! Even now, I am going, "I do understand this right, that these are old pics of you two as babies?"
erik's on the left, i'm on the right...
That was my second thought - after "OMG, TWINS!"
So basically the point of this post is to say that your child is going to have a fat face?
yes. that's how we will know if she's really ours or if the hospital is trying to slip us one of their scrawny rejects.
scrawny rejects?
kinda like me and sarah's baby will be? us frikkin' refugees take what we can get. I check your blog like every few hours hoping for actual baby pics. When you have energy, and feel like sharing your story--I want to hear it! The whole thing!
Congrats, mom!
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