chicken poop on my shoes
i am blogger unsavvy i have determined. blogger decided to publish my pictures on their sides and i was powerless to stop them. arg! i hate not having any control! curses...
nara is now in the 95% for height and 35% for weight. some random old lady told me that i needed to feed my kid more. after the urge to smack her passed i sweetly said "i don't think so" while wondering how i was to accomplish anything in life if i was to start feeding her more than once an hour?
I'm not entirely sure, but I think little old ladies are always right!! So you'll need to spend pretty much every waking moment feeding your child... And thanks for calling me "fatty." It was very encouraging :-D
not all babies can be in the 95% for everything-some have to be in the 35% and some in the 10% (like mine). They grow at their own rate and are all healthy.
Great pics, thanks for posting (FINALLY!!)
She's perfect just the way she is! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise! God just made her to be tall and lanky for awhile is all!
Joshua is 3% for height AND 3% for weight for his height! But the doctor said that's totally fine and normal.
Stephi's brother was just around that as well, and now he's taller than me. :)
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