no regrets...
today, was a day. i have decided that it is imperative for my well being to start getting eight hours of sleep a night again. starting in twenty minutes. i have been thinking about death a lot lately. not in a suicidal way, by any means, but in a matter of fact, who knows when it's going to happen sort of way. i just finished season one of showtime's "dead like me." it's a very interesting slant on it all. i found out today that one of my favorite great uncles died back in march. no one ever tells me anything worth knowing in a timely fashion in my family!
i feel like life is happening around me, but i am not an active participant. every once in a while i will partake in it, but as a rule, i feel more like a window shopper in life. i don't want to have any regrets. i don't want to leave knowing i could have done more to ease another's burdens. i don't want to die without those nearest to me having heard i love them through my word and actions. i want to do dance, dance, revolution at least a hundred more times!
i had a nice dinner with amanda and my grandparents today. my grandpa is such a handsome charmer! everyone i have ever introduced him to has fallen in love instantly. i really don't blame them...:)
i'm going to the rock in ames this weekend to listen to tom short preach on the daVinci code (and to do dance, dance, revolution... of course). i can't wait. just three more days of work to survive this week...
verse of the while: "For You do not desire sacrifice, or else i would give it...The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart- these, O God, You will not despise." (Psalm 51:16-17)
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