Ambre's Pontifications

a place to share, encourage, and just write what comes to mind... with an occasional rant thrown in for good measure!

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Location: Cedar Rapids, Iowa, United States

Sunday, February 6

"if i'm going to actually marry her, i will have to be elected to a second term of this relationship!"-Tom Hogan

so here's a quick overview of the week i referred to. i was very very sick at leah's wedding and had been since the previous wednesday night. on monday i went into work feeling like death and my boss listened to my lungs and sent me to the doctor to make sure i didn't have walking pneumonia. the doctor said if something didn't happen, i would get that sick or more. he said that docs are now trying not to give antibiotics to people who work with children because along with killing all the bad bacteria it also kills the good bacteria and then on your first day back to work you get an even worse illness because your body can't fight anything. so he sent me to bed for a week with a cough suppressant. i wasn't allowed to leave my house until friday. i would get up in the morning and move from my bed to the couch, watch hours of movies, and then move back to my bed. i watched more in that week then i thought possible. i made it through season one of charlie's angels, season one of er (at which point i started diagnosing characters in other shows) 12 episode's of season one of sport's night, harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban, once bitten (my token from chicago from matt), ghost world (cool nunchuck scenes for a dumb movie), daredevil (once i was scraping the bottom of the barrel), about a boy, good will hunting, with honors, and many more. i was quite upset that i had a headache all week and couldn't focus on any book page. bummer.
freya (my horse, a.k.a. a great dane) and i are getting along splendidly. she not scary anymore and i really enjoy her company. i now go for a walk every morning before work and again at night before bed. i should be in good shape in no time! :)
Tom is dating an 18 year old. that's the content of my title for those of you who think i'm cryptic...
i have had an awful headache for two days now. i hope it doesn't interfere with getting ready for the superbowl party tonight. have a great day everyone!


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