Ambre's Pontifications

a place to share, encourage, and just write what comes to mind... with an occasional rant thrown in for good measure!

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Location: Cedar Rapids, Iowa, United States

Tuesday, April 12

white cap... here i come...

happy 44th birthday mom. just think... you got to spend half of it loving me! lucky you...
i just decided that windows that crank open and shut were designed by someone who was good friends with satan. i just snapped my thumb nail down through the center and bruised the side of my wrist trying to shut one. two hours ago i severely strained the right side of my neck shutting one at the guys house. blame must be shifted somewhere!
it is very cold out in my opinion. i miss the sun... o, sun... return to me with great haste!
today i finally got parental permission to start the vinegar treatment on one of my two year olds. this means that now whenever she bites someone i get to shoot 1/4 teaspoonful of vinegar into her mouth with a syringe while shouting "no biting!" the shouting is optional, but i feel it has a more lasting effect (ten minutes rather than two).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do that to my dog sometimes. Only it's not vinegar.

8:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you really think it is a good idea to put vinegar in a 2 year old child's mouth and shout at her? Don't you think there is a kinder and more effective way of dealing with biting? perhaps pay attention and know what makes her bite (little kids taking toys, etc) and prevent those situations from happening. Perhaps as soon as she does it, you can take her away from the situation and tell her firmly (but not shouting) "No biting". Perhaps a simple time out in a crib or another place where she can't get out would do the trick if you were consistent about it enough. Do you know that the research shows that children DO NOT learn better or listen more when they are shouted at? It only makes them afraid of you and enough shouting can lead to emotional abuse and make them shouters. Perhaps you should think about that the next time you yell at a little two year old girl. Whoever these parents are that let you watch their poor, helpless baby have made a big mistake and i feel sorry for this helpless little girl who is only going through a phase.

8:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a few of questions, Ambre. How many times has this child bitten since you started the vinegar treatment? How many times had the child bitten before the treatment? How many different possible guidance techniques had you tried before you moved on to the vinegar technique? I am sure all of these things would have helped the person who posted anonymously to have better understood your situation. I apologize, I personally would have taken the previous comment as simple suggestions from someone who means well, until I got to the last sentence, when it turned into more of an attack on your competence level. Thus, I felt the need to come to your defense.

6:10 PM  

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