watch for horse drawn vehicles...
i had fun in the ozarks! i went out with amanda's family on saturday and just got back. i didn't want to leave! we went out in the fishing boat and got thrown around in other peoples wake and went tubing yesterday. i was so sore from holding on that this morning i could barely lift goblet of fire! :)
i have some nice brown going on finally. it's always my goal to set at least one chance for sun a summer and this was definitely it. i got a little red as well, but let's not dwell on that, shall we? ;)
amanda introduced her family to loaded questions which resulted in some fun trivia:
grandma would stalk dr. phil given the opportunity,
cousin joe thinks that "if you smell your butt, you'll grow nose hairs",
and with aunt bonnie's lock, if she found a treasure chest, with her luck, it would contain "no beer!"
i love amanda's family! they're such a riot. :)
i'm off to clean my room to bless my roommate on her return.
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