Ambre's Pontifications

a place to share, encourage, and just write what comes to mind... with an occasional rant thrown in for good measure!

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Location: Cedar Rapids, Iowa, United States

Wednesday, November 7

Death by Leaf

Things I like that make me smile:

Chocolate milk
Playing on the Wii with my hubbie
Listening to Amanda say "dang-it!" while brain testing on the wii
Baking/cooking with friends
Adeline yelling "Hey" randomly in the backseat while singing carols to Nara
Erik being dorky and telling funny stories about himself
Everything Inara that doesn't involve screaming or refusing to nap
Giraffe hats and picturing myself in one
Fires in the fireplace
Being crazy while knowing that I'm not "crazy".
Erik's family, but especially his parents
My family, cause face it, they are all "crazy"
Playing scrabble, even when I lose by four
Seeing my friends with my baby
Sam the naughty cat that i don't hate
Getting packages in the mail. i really love that!
and so much more....

i am richly blessed.

Saturday, November 3

I'm a special customer of the USPS

Psalms: On Single-Mindedness

Lord of reality
make me real
not plastic
pretend phony
an actor playing out his part
I don’t want
to keep a prayer list
but to pray
nor agonize to find Your will
but to obey
what I already know
to argue
theories of inspiration
but submit to Your Word.
I don’t want
to explain the difference
between eros and philos
and agape
but to love.
I don’t want
to sing as if I mean it
I want to mean it.
I don’t want
to tell it like it is
but to be it
like You want it.

( via Psalms of My Life - Joseph Bayly - Tyndale Treasures , copyright 1969 )