Ambre's Pontifications

a place to share, encourage, and just write what comes to mind... with an occasional rant thrown in for good measure!

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Location: Cedar Rapids, Iowa, United States

Sunday, March 26

pink cows fly low...

this is a snippet of dialogue from our house today. enjoy!

ambre (from the bedroom): hey, erik? could we please try not to put our shoes on the bed?
erik (from the living room): well, i'm guessing you're not the one with a problem in this area so why did you say "we"?

oh, the joy...

Monday, March 20

bumble bees make me sneeze! or not.

it's finally happening... i'm getting my wisdom teeth out. sigh. at least it will be over and done with at last!
my favorite part will come 36ish hours later when i jump on a plane for new york. i plan to be tougher than bravo and be back on solids by that time. :)
i've never been to new york. it will be fun touring it through a three year olds eyes. adeline and i will be attending a showing of either the lion king or beauty and the beast (i'm hoping for the later), going to the central park zoo and going to all the huge toy stores and buying stuff. well, she'll be buying lots of stuff anyway. i'm not sure what i need from the disney store or f.a.o. it will be enjoyable i'm sure. :)
i hope erik survives my absence... i'll miss him...