mrs. potato head
so erik and i went to see the new star wars movie tonight. definitely not a children's film! i thought it was good though. i've held to the fact that everyone thinks hayden Christensen can't act based on the fact that he's had crappy scripts because he's done so well in the other films he's made. i think he proved me right in this one... poor amidala!
i finally got some sleep today and i feel like a new woman! it's amazing how much more coherent one becomes with the proper rest. :)
the colorado people have been trickling in today and should all be here by midnight. our welcome thing will be thursday night and our celebration/anniversary church picnic is on sunday. how fun!
okay, so for those of you who haven't heard yet.... (drum roll please!) as of Sunday night, erik sautter and i are courting. :) happy birthday to me!
good-night, all!