I wonder if you have to be famous to attend the Sundance Film Festival. If not, that’s my new goal in life. If it is, then my goal is to become famous. I’ve decided that Sundance hosts some of the greatest movies made. They are amazingly random with bizarre plots. Tonight I indulged in the film Tiptoes. It’s about a man and his fiancée who gets pregnant unexpectedly. Then it comes out that the man is the only member of his family that’s not a dwarf. No, I am not making any of his up! Since there is a great chance that the baby will be a “little person” too, we have the drama of the fiancée (the beautiful Kate Beckinsale) learning about the condition and coming to terms with it and the father being against the continuation of the pregnancy and then not being able to handle the situation, period. I do believe it was the best acting I’ve ever seen from Matthew McConaughey, though. In my opinion, the best part of these films is always the ending. It happens at a point that in any other film could easily be construed as half-way through the story, but not in these Sundance films, no sir! One moment you’re watching a pivotal moment in the life of two characters and the next second you’re being inundated with unwanted credits. What am I supposed to do? I once again will go to bed with an unfinished story in my mind and, by George, I’ll like it! I want Kate’s hair.
I did respite again tonight. Brian has downs and is around ten years old. Amanda joined us for dinner at Taco Bell. We had a very interesting time. And by interesting, I mean funny. Every time Amanda and I would laugh about something, Brian would yell “it’s not funny!” He referred to me as “cookie” and “sweetie” throughout the night. He also totally mocked one of the other children I provide respite for. That really had me rolling! Of all the people in the world to make fun of someone’s behavior caused by their special need, I didn’t expect it of him!
I get to go to a movie with Brett Bravo tomorrow. Sweet!!!
editors note: "tomorrow" has become "today".