Ambre's Pontifications

a place to share, encourage, and just write what comes to mind... with an occasional rant thrown in for good measure!

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Location: Cedar Rapids, Iowa, United States

Sunday, March 20

quack, quack, mr. ducksworth!

amanda has had to listen to me identify which joint on my body is popping on enough occasions that she can now tell the different sounds apart! she and amber and i are sitting around and all of the sudden there's this loud cracking sound. amber asks what it was and amanda immediately replies "ambre's ankle." and she was right! too funny... :)

no waffle coney island makes me so sad...

amanda and i just had a mighty ducks marathon. there was a lot of cheering and giving of free advice to the characters that was quickly taken. amazing. you'd think we were familiar with the stories or something.
tomorrow i am taking step one in making a ten year plan for my financial life. it's such a mess right now. it's a good thing God is in control!
i referred to someone as an amazon woman this week and i don't think they took it as a compliment. oops. i view amazon women highly and personally take it as a compliment. oh, well...
amanda didn't make her bed today. this is front page news. amanda is one of those people who takes issue with closet doors being left open. i hope she isn't getting sick!
i must go collect my baby who is chilling with her uncles who are unaware that she hasn't eaten yet today. sorry, freya!

Friday, March 18

you look nice today (yes, you!)

It is so beautiful out! Praise the Lord for giving me such glorious weather on my day off!
All the CSU people are coming over to my house tonight which gives me seven hours to clean and fix my toilet with my amazing skills. Freya and I went for a gorgeous walk in the park today. It's so relaxing and peaceful. I love my pooch.
I was planning to go to my dad's (jeff's) for Easter, but it looks like he has a big sale that weekend and my sister Jennifer and my step-mom won't be getting back from Cancun until late Saturday and my fat nephew will be in Wisconsin Dales. I thing we shall postpone our visit...
In happier news, I just found out that one of my favorite people from my LT experience will be spending the summer here! When I left LT there were three people that I greatly desired the chance to serve along side again in the future. So far I have gotten to serve with my beautiful friend, Julie Johnson, for eight months and now I get three months with Bryan Morton (like the salt), the person I find it easiest to talk to every few months yet never feel like we left off. Yeah, for this summer. The rest of the team seems pretty cool too, even if no one has worn a Dare Devil shirt even once. :)
Well, I guess I should go get started cleaning. Have a great day and if you aren't stuck in a blizzard, go outside!!!

Wednesday, March 16

Freya is grounded for missing curfew

It’s always unfortunate to return from break to find one of your children roaming the halls. This week I’ve been training a new girl, Jess. I actually like her (says the self-center snob). She’s nineteen, engaged, and good at listening and following directions. What more can I say? We’re a good match. On the other hand, our new breaker has sworn in front of my children twice in two days, is rather incompetent all around, and her nose ring looks nowhere near as natural as Amanda’s does. Well, you can’t win them all!
I’m really excited. I’ve felt like I’ve been connecting and hearing from God this week in a way I haven’t in a long time. I keep just getting slammed with encouraging words, convicting words, and thoughts to meditate on.
I read a passage in My Utmost For His Highest on the 12th that really struck me. Oswald Chambers made the observation “We have got so commercialized that we only go to God for something from Him, and not for Himself. It is like saying, ‘No, Lord, I don’t want Thee, I want myself; but I want myself clean and filled with the Holy Ghost; I want to be put in Thy showroom and be able to say- ‘ This is what God has done for me’.”
This excerpt stopped me in my tracks. I realized how often I ask God to better me and grow me for entirely selfish reasons. So often I worry about growing in excellence either so people will get off my case, I will feel more worthy, or I can brag about what God has helped me to overcome. How often though do I want to change for the sake of wanting to be like my Father for no reason other than to better love Him or better reflect His love to others? Oswald Chambers also said “Do we so appreciate the marvelous salvation of Jesus Christ that we are our utmost for His highest?” I wonder… am I more eager to be my utmost for His highest, or my utmost through his highest?

Sunday, March 13

cracker jack engagement rings rock

last week seems so long ago. it was such a crappy week that i think my mind just shut it out. tomorrow i get to start training a new girl at work. that's always fun. :) i don't think i got the job that i interviewed for. none of my references got called. that's okay though. God knows best.
my toilet broke yesterday. the thing the chain pulls up inside the tank had the little other thing that holds the chain on break off. luckily, i know how to fix it thanks to my dad and the training of my youth. ;) yes, lucky me.:)
well, off to church i go, with a hi and ho.

Saturday, March 12

strangers in a foreign land

i really wish i knew who made the "you'd be lucky to look as good" comment. i hate the whole anonymous posting option. :)
i had a long discussion with a raving five year old through a shut door tonight. he was in time out and he had earlier informed me that if i put him in his room that there was no way he's stay there so when the time came i dumped him on his bed, shut the door and sat down outside with my body pressed against it. after he pounded and ranted for five minutes and after a ten minute talk, his apology finally sounded like it came from a sincere heart, so i let him out. i told his parents what route of discipline i took and they said that if that didn't work in the future to just tell him he wouldn't get his b-day party if he didn't listen. that's right up there with telling a child that santa won't come if they don't eat their veggies. what's the point of promises you don't intend to keep???

opps! forgot a title!

I was looking on a roommate match web site today and this is what someone said about themselves: "I'm very open-minded about who I live with, as long as they're not Republicans." I found it to be highly amusing.
GCLI rocked.

Friday, March 11

as is thy day so shall thy strength be. (c.h. spurgeon)

i almost got hit by a school bus that was running a solid red light today. it hadn't even just turned red, which i could then understand. i reported him.
i took freya into work today to pick up my paycheck. she was so good. in my room, only the Andrews were afraid of her. my brave wee ones!
gcli starts tonight. i'm excited. it's always freezing in the room we meet in though. i need to remember to dress accordingly.
i'm off to the doc's now. i have pink eye. i find this very amusing as none of my children have pink eye and i haven't had it in over a decade. mom says she thinks it's a secondary infection as i have a sinus infection as well. yeah...

Sunday, March 6

aquafina tastes like crap because it's filtrated through cow guts

I just discovered that there is a movie star with my haircut. Her name is Diane Keaton. She's like a hundred years old. Bummer...
It was sooo beautiful out today. Freya loved it. I loved walking her in it. Win, win situation.
The girl who's moving in with me and Amanda this fall, Jessica, came to church tonight. Yeah!!!
I really do like my hair though. I wouldn't say it's "growing on me," but I certainly have yet to get sick of using a curling iron every day for the first time in my life.